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FreeBird One
Best-in-Class Performance: Feature


Structurally-enclosed patent-pending carbon fiber SurroundFrame

Ability to bump into objects while flying

Weather-proof (rain, snow, 50MPH winds)

20-pound payload capacity

12-15 mile range

Up to 45 min. flight time with GoPro on 3-axis gimbal

Up to 30 mins flight time with 2kg payload

55MPH top speed

Fully-autonomous flight from take-off To landing

Integrated Lidar for enhanced position hold accuracy near the ground or locations where GPS signals are weak or non-existent

Redundant IMUs, barometers and power supplies to the autopilot for enhanced safety

Best-in-Class Performance: Products

New Feature: Autonomous takeoff and flight at pre-specified UTC Time

Allows missions to be planned and initiated hours in advance of the actual flight and repeated on a regular basis as well, without additional operator input.

Vehicle can automatically arm itself and take-off at the specified time.

MN-8 latest generation GPS using GPS, Galileo and Glonass (acquires on average 18-20 satellites with 1-foot average position accuracy)

RTK-ready for centimeter-level position precision

Automatic Failsafe Return-to-Home feature in the event of remote control signal loss, low battery or predefined GPS fence breach (each can be enabled or disabled by the operator depending on circumstances)

New Feature: Polygon fences are now supported, allowing for unprecedented control of flight boundaries over industry-standard circular fences

Best-in-Class Performance: Products
Best-in-Class Performance: Pro Gallery



Frame with Covers: 3.5 Pounds/1.6

FreeBird One Without Batteries: 7.5 Pounds/3.4kg

Minimum Liftoff Weight: 11 Pounds/5kg

Maximum Liftoff Weight: 28 Pounds/12.7kg


Brand: T-Motor U7 Professional 490kv X 4

Power: 1,300 Watts

Voltage: 6S LIPO or LIHV


T-Motor 15X5 Carbon Fiber X 4

Auxiliary Power

Available Power Supplies: 12V and 5V

Flight Control System



Current: 80A (Continuous); 100A (*Burst) X 4


Voltage: 6S LIPO or LIHV

Size: 10AH-54AH

Recommended: 27AH 6S LIHV

Best-in-Class Performance: Products

Freebird Flight


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(203) 293-6949


275 Post Road East
Suite 10-617
Westport, CT 06881

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